Entrepreneurs Complication, Things you need to Known Before Dating an Entrepreneur.
Image credit | naijanewsmag
Dating an entrepreneur is a wonderful experience but sometimes it can be complicating, one need to have a proper understanding of what entrepreneurship entails in other for you to be able to have a smooth relationship. Dating an entrepreneur is fun but there are some few awkward moments and attitude that comes with it. Here are some few things you need to know.
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Entrepreneurs emotions fluctuate, its is not steady, their emotions are controlled by result of the work they do. Their are happy mood is when they succeed in what they are trying to achieve at a particular point in time while they becoming very irritating when there is slow progress in their expectations, it turns them off. So at this point you should be able to understand their mood swing and help them through any particular face they are, do not get irritated when they get awkward it's just a face they will get out of it.
They are continuous learners, entrepreneurs never get tired of learning new things and as such they ask endless questions just to improve themselves as this will eventually translate into more money for them. So don't get worked up with these questions and never take them as talkative.
- They need someone who will take care of them they don't have time to take care of themselves, someone who has a forgiving spirit and someone who loves fun.
- Most times it is difficult for them to explain what they do, so it is your duty to help them define it.
- They are good with surprises. expect that often.
- Entrepreneurs don't enjoy been with dull and lazy people so you will have to work on yourself, go for some personal development so as to complement them else they will start avoid you and go look for the smart ones to be with.
- Their work time is not define, they can work at anytime and duration so this should not come to you as a surprise.
- They analyse almost everything they see and they are goal oriented.
- They like attention.
- Lastly, in what ever act they put up always know that they care and think about you more than you know, you might think they are very business but you're always in their thought.