How to Become an Instagram Millionaire
Hello darlyns, do you know you can become an Instagram millionaire just by managing your account very well? Many of us don't really know the
power of social media, many feels its just a place of fun while others don't even want to get associated with it but i tell you there are lot more you can make out of it just by managing your accounts very well infact most people these days are fully dedicated to it as a standard business.Becoming an Instagram millionaire sound almost impossible but i will show you how although i recently found out and am applying it too.
It starts with the million-dollar photo. Your photos should be a clear, have high quality and be attractive with an
image that’s identifiable.
Klala Photography is the perfect example of this -- taking ownership of his brand and profession as a professional photograph cannot be down played when you visit his Instagram page, the photos you see there are very powerful that you must want a link with it.
A similar effort should also be put into the
username selection, your username should match the message you like to convey. Make sure
you know the purpose for your account. Is it professional? Personal?
It’s most likely best to simply use a variation of your name, But if it’s personal, it’s okay to have a bit more fun with it.
Just like a cover letter, your bio should
help to clearly describe or provide an explanation for your perspective
and what’s unique about you or your account.
“Don't write anything in any of your bios
that you would not want to be publicly associated with you, regardless
of your privacy settings,” cautions Levine.
In writing a bio, facilitates figuring out why you want followers in the first place.
“Come up with a strategy, remember you don’t want followers just for the sake of having followers.”

Image credit:
iamdiddy | Instagram
You need to make your page really interesting and you have to be consistent in doing what so ever you're doing. The frequency and regularity with which you post is correlated with the number of followers you have.” Posting regularly and often (daily or several times a week) enables followers to stay in regular communication with you while you offer your unique take on whatever topic you’re covering.
For instance, Puff Daddy -- also known as the rapper P. Diddy -- posts consistently and on message (for his rapper brand, at least) and has 6.6 million followers. If you’re on the more serious end of business, take a look at entrepreneur Tim Sykes’ instagram, also regularly active; he has over 700,000 followers.
Doing the opposite -- not posting regularly and having bursts of content -- will most likely cost you some followers. (Looking at you, Kanye).“Nobody wants to be suddenly inundated by a haphazard sharer,”.
Nothing is better than being your true self on social media. Faking or trying to flaunt what you are not is very dengerous, it might look like its working at the initials but at the long run it will reign everything so please just be yourself and do not throw up services or things you can not own up to.
By embracing her voice and life in the big city, Liz Eswein, creator and curator of the @newyorkcity account, was able to become a millionaire and start her own media management business.
Nick’s account @Millionaire Lifestyle got started, for example, because of his passion for cars which eventually transformed into an opportunity to showcase the millionaire lifestyle itself. Though he, himself, is not a millionaire, the Instagram guru is getting there -- and has experienced luxurious adventures of millionaires because of his ability to tune in and capture the lifestyle -- like when he posted an Uber helicopter ride in Dubai.
Most users online are able to tell pretty easily if you’re not being authentic (like certain emoji-happy politicians).
“Authenticity is huge,” she says. “Post in a way that's conversational. Add your perspective. Share the value you add to a conversation. And have fun.”
You need to be social to keep your followers so glow to you, don’t just push out content like a machine. Create content and talk about yourself. Be conversational!
Engage your followers the way movie star Dwayne Johnson -- aka "The Rock" -- posts inspirational videos and photos for fans on his Instagram account. He has over 55 million followers.
“It's called social media for a reason,” Levine says. “Ask questions. Comment. Reply. Favorite. Like.”
By actually conversing with your followers,
you encourage them to come back, to keep following and even share
material from your account.
Giveaways or contests online is highly suggested as beneficial ways to interact.
“It’s incredibly important to engage,” By commenting and reaching out, users are showing interest in you.
Lastly you need to stay focus, If you have multiple social media accounts linked each other so you can post automatically from one or the other, stop that practice.
unfortunate mistakes and mishaps from doing this, so while it may save
time, it’s much better to offer your own narrative and curate content
fitting to each platform.
It's also pretty apparent that you’re
automatically posting through linking because each platform is vastly
different with varying styles and conversations or purposes. By posting
directly, it looks better on the account and encourages followers.
“Cross-promoting content looks lazy,
antisocial and ignores the conventions and social norms of each
platform's users,
Thanks for reading through and i wish you all the best.